Ian Paron - Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
There’s a problem. You’re in pain and are feeling limited in your ability to perform the activities you normally enjoy. You’re not able to play with your children; or maybe simple things like taking the stairs are causing you difficulty. You may love to exercise but you have a tweaky shoulder or bad back. Whatever the symptom is, it’s keeping you from living your best life.
Dr. Erin Sherwood- Chiropractor Spring has finally sprung! With the snow melting, it reveals the return of green grass and spring flowers popping through the soil. Most notably, it also reveals the dead fall and leaves that I was not able to rake before the snow hit us last year. Every spring, I see an increase in patient’s coming to the clinic with lower back pain after raking and spring cleaning their garden beds. I too have also been left with an achy back following a long day of raking if I have not taken the proper steps to ensure my entire spine is working and moving optimally. |